Learn How To Do Pedicure At Home

The following guide ‘how to do pedicure at home’, is a great way for you to save money and the beauty being, it is quite a simple process.

The Step By Step Process Of How To Do Pedicure At Home

  • The first thing you will need to do, is to remove any existing nail polish and ensure that your toe nails are clean and free from any old polish.


  • After all existing nail polish has been removed you will need to soak your feet in warm water. Using a foot soak or Epsom salts is recommended, as it will help soften your feet and as a result will help any dead skin to be removed easier. You should soak your feet for approximately 10-15 minutes.


  • The next step in ‘how to do pedicure at home’, is clipping your toe nails. Clipping your toes nails should be done using either nail clippers or scissors. The action of clipping your toenails should be performed in a certain way and this is clipping them straight across the top. Clipping your nails across will help prevent ingrown toenails. Do not clip your nails.


  • Once you have successfully clipped your toenails, you will need to file the toenails to ensure they are smooth and that any rough edges have been treated. Using a ‘Pedicure buff block or pumice block’ is recommended to give the desired finished.


  • At this point, it is good to treat your cuticles while the skin is still soft. If the cuticles are still a little hard, you can use a moisturiser to help soften them a little more.


  • Your feet will also need exfoliating to remove any dead or rough skin and once again, this can be done by using a ‘Pedicure Buff Block or Pumice Block’.  It is recommended that good exfoliating lotion is to be used or if you have your own home made recipe that you are happy using, that should be fine.


  • After you have successfully exfoliated your feet, it is time to apply the polish but before you do this, it is a good idea to with each toenail with a drop of rubbing alcohol to clean and residue that may be left from the lotion this will help your polish to stick to your toenails better.


  • Before your apply your polish, you will need to separate your toes, this can be done in several different ways such as using cotton wool balls, lint-free cotton pads, paper towels or one of the cheap Pedicure toe separators specially designed for the job. Separating your toes will ensure that the polish does not go onto any other areas.

How To Do Pedicure At Home




  • Once you have managed to separate your toes, it is time to apply the base coat. The base coat will be clear, so this is generally easier to apply as any mistakes are not as noticeable as the coloured polished.


  • The base coat should then be left to dry.


  • Obviously, you will already have your chosen colour of polish and once the base coat is dry, it will be time to apply the main colour polish.


  • The main colour polish should be applied carefully and should be applied starting from the base of the cuticles. Starting in the middle of the toenail is recommended and then brushing down the toenail, gently applying pressure to the brush, so that the bristles fan out. Repeat the process down either side, then move on to the next toe.  Repeat the process on every toe until each toe is complete.


  • If you smudge or have any stray polish, simply remove using a cotton ball or towel.


  • If required, you can add a second and a third coat to seal the colour and ensure that any chips are covered. Leave the polish to dry for about 15 minutes and then remove the toe separators.



Following the simple steps in ‘How To Do Pedicure At Home’ will ensure you are soon an expert at giving yourself pedicure.

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